Webseite Krailling /backend/test-function/



Test eine Funktion


Not a valid URL: domain.de

Not a valid URL: domain.de/

Not a valid URL: www.domain.de

A valid URL: https://www.domain.de

A valid URL: http://www.domain.de

A valid URL: https://domain.de

A valid URL: http://domain.de

A valid URL: https://www.domain.de/abc

A valid URL: https://www.domain.de/abc?a=b

A valid URL: https://www.domain.de/abc?a

Not a valid URL: https://www.domain.de/abcäöüß

Not a valid URL: https://www.domain_äöüßÄÖÜ.de

Not a valid URL: https://domain_äöüßÄÖÜ.de


Not a valid URL: domain.de

Not a valid URL: domain.de/

Not a valid URL: www.domain.de

A validated URL: https://www.domain.de

A validated URL: http://www.domain.de

A validated URL: https://domain.de

A validated URL: http://domain.de

A validated URL: https://www.domain.de/abc

A validated URL: https://www.domain.de/abc?a=b

A validated URL: https://www.domain.de/abc?a

A validated URL: https://www.domain.de/abcäöüß

Not a valid URL: https://www.domain_äöüßÄÖÜ.de

Not a valid URL: https://domain_äöüßÄÖÜ.de


escaped URL: http://domain.de

escaped URL: http://domain.de/

escaped URL: http://www.domain.de

escaped URL: https://www.domain.de

escaped URL: http://www.domain.de

escaped URL: https://domain.de

escaped URL: http://domain.de

escaped URL: https://www.domain.de/abc

escaped URL: https://www.domain.de/abc?a=b

escaped URL: https://www.domain.de/abc?a

escaped URL: https://www.domain.de/abcäöüß

escaped URL: https://www.domain_äöüßÄÖÜ.de

escaped URL: https://domain_äöüßÄÖÜ.de


Not a valid URL: domain.de

Not a valid URL: domain.de/

Not a valid URL: www.domain.de

A valid URL: https://www.domain.de

A valid URL: http://www.domain.de

A valid URL: https://domain.de

A valid URL: http://domain.de

A valid URL: https://www.domain.de/abc

A valid URL: https://www.domain.de/abc?a=b

A valid URL: https://www.domain.de/abc?a

A valid URL: https://www.domain.de/abcäöüß

Not a valid URL: https://www.domain_äöüßÄÖÜ.de

Not a valid URL: https://domain_äöüßÄÖÜ.de

(A) get_option

    array (
  'form_name' => 'wnts_ajax_membership_activate_registered_account',
  'class' => '\\wnts_plugin\\apps\\membership',
  'callback' => 'handle_activate_registered_account_formdata',
  'stored_data_database_key' => 'wnts_ajax_membership_activate_registered_account_data',
  'stored_files_database_key' => 'wnts_ajax_membership_activate_registered_account_files',
  'database_info' => 
  array (
    'db_table' => 'usermeta',
    'object_id' => false,
  'nonce_action' => 'default_action',
  'css_form_class' => 'wnts_form',
  'render_template_file' => 'my_form_handler/default_form.php',
  'system_form_fields' => 
  array (
    'field_type' => 'group',
    'field_name' => 'system_form_fields',
    'field_id' => 'system_form_fields',
    'parent_field_full_html_name' => false,
    'parent_field_full_html_id' => false,
    'group_fields' => 
    array (
      0 => 
      array (
        'field_type' => 'wnts_action',
        'field_name' => 'wnts_action',
        'parent_field_full_html_name' => 'system_form_fields',
        'parent_field_full_html_id' => 'system_form_fields',
        'field_settings' => 
        array (
          'default_value' => 
          array (
            'value' => 'wnts_ajax_membership_activate_registered_account',
            'get_stored_value' => false,
            'get_value_from_database' => false,
            'callback' => NULL,
          'validations' => 
          array (
            'is_default_value' => 
            array (
          'wrapper_class' => 'hide wnts_hide',
          'attributes' => 
          array (
            'required' => 
            array (
              'attribute_value' => true,
              'error_message' => 'System Error: wnts_action',
        'form_name' => 'wnts_ajax_membership_activate_registered_account',
      1 => 
      array (
        'field_type' => 'text',
        'field_name' => 'wnts_table',
        'parent_field_full_html_name' => 'system_form_fields',
        'parent_field_full_html_id' => 'system_form_fields',
        'field_settings' => 
        array (
          'default_value' => 
          array (
            'value' => 'option',
            'get_stored_value' => false,
            'get_value_from_database' => false,
            'callback' => NULL,
          'validations' => 
          array (
          'wrapper_class' => 'hide wnts_hide',
          'attributes' => 
          array (
        'form_name' => 'wnts_ajax_membership_activate_registered_account',
      2 => 
      array (
        'field_type' => 'text',
        'field_name' => 'wnts_object_id',
        'parent_field_full_html_name' => 'system_form_fields',
        'parent_field_full_html_id' => 'system_form_fields',
        'field_settings' => 
        array (
          'default_value' => 
          array (
            'value' => false,
            'get_stored_value' => false,
            'get_value_from_database' => false,
            'callback' => NULL,
          'validations' => 
          array (
          'wrapper_class' => 'hide wnts_hide',
          'attributes' => 
          array (
        'form_name' => 'wnts_ajax_membership_activate_registered_account',
      3 => 
      array (
        'field_type' => 'wnts_query_args_json',
        'field_name' => 'wnts_query_args_json',
        'parent_field_full_html_name' => 'system_form_fields',
        'parent_field_full_html_id' => 'system_form_fields',
        'field_settings' => 
        array (
          'default_value' => 
          array (
            'value' => NULL,
            'get_stored_value' => false,
            'callback' => 
            array (
              'class' => '\\wnts_plugin\\core\\WNTS_my_form_handler',
              'function' => 'set_wnts_query_args_json_default',
              'arguments' => 
              array (
                'as_string' => true,
                'as_json' => false,
                'database' => 
                array (
                  'db_table' => 'postmeta',
                  'db_object_id' => 'postid',
              'error_message' => 'System Error: wnts_query_args_json',
          'wrapper_class' => 'hide wnts_hide',
          'attributes' => 
          array (
            'required' => 
            array (
              'attribute_value' => true,
              'error_message' => 'System Error: wnts_query_args_json',
        'form_name' => 'wnts_ajax_membership_activate_registered_account',
      4 => 
      array (
        'field_type' => 'wnts_nonce',
        'field_name' => 'wnts_nonce',
        'parent_field_full_html_name' => 'system_form_fields',
        'parent_field_full_html_id' => 'system_form_fields',
        'field_settings' => 
        array (
          'default_value' => 
          array (
            'value' => NULL,
            'get_stored_value' => false,
            'callback' => 
            array (
              'class' => '\\wnts_plugin\\core\\WNTS_base',
              'function' => 'generate_wp_nonce',
              'arguments' => 
              array (
                'nonce_action' => 'wnts_ajax_membership_activate_registered_account',
              'error_message' => 'System Error: wnts_nonce',
          'validations' => 
          array (
            'is_default_value' => 
            array (
              'error_message' => 'System Error: wnts_nonce',
          'wrapper_class' => 'hide wnts_hide',
          'attributes' => 
          array (
            'required' => 
            array (
              'attribute_value' => true,
              'error_message' => 'System Error: wnts_nonce',
        'form_name' => 'wnts_ajax_membership_activate_registered_account',
  'custom_form_fields' => 
  array (
    'field_type' => 'group',
    'field_name' => 'custom_form_fields',
    'field_id' => 'custom_form_fields',
    'parent_field_full_html_name' => false,
    'parent_field_full_html_id' => false,
    'group_fields' => 
    array (
      0 => 
      array (
        'field_name' => 'benutzername_email',
        'field_type' => 'text',
        'help_text' => 'Der Benutzername oder Email des freizugebenden Kontos - wie bei der Registrierung von Ihnen angegeben.',
        'label' => 'Benutzername oder Email',
        'field_settings' => 
        array (
          'default_value' => 
          array (
            'get_stored_value' => false,
            'callback' => NULL,
            'value' => '',
          'attributes' => 
          array (
            'required' => 
            array (
              'attribute_value' => true,
              'error_message' => 'required: dies ist ein Pflichtfeld!',
            'max' => 
            array (
              'attribute_value' => 80,
              'error_message' => 'max: darf nur 80 Zeichen lang sein!',
      1 => 
      array (
        'field_name' => 'double_password',
        'field_type' => 'password_double',
        'help_text' => 'Legen Sie Ihr Passwort fest: min. 8 / max. 20 Zeichen, mindestens einen Groß- und einen Kleinbuchstaben, mindestens eine Ziffer und ein Sonderzeichen.',
        'label' => 'Ihr Passwort',
        'field_settings' => 
        array (
      2 => 
      array (
        'field_name' => 'activation_code',
        'field_type' => 'text',
        'help_text' => 'tragen Sie den Aktivierungscode ein, den Sie per Email erhalten haben!',
        'field_settings' => 
        array (
          'database' => 
          array (
            'table' => false,
            'key' => false,
          'default_value' => 
          array (
            'get_stored_value' => false,
            'callback' => 
            array (
              'class' => '\\wnts_plugin\\core\\WNTS_base',
              'function' => 'get_sanitized_query_parameter',
              'arguments' => 
              array (
                'parameter' => 'activation_code',
                'default' => '',
            'value' => '',
          'store_value' => 
          array (
            'database' => true,
          'attributes' => 
          array (
            'required' => 
            array (
              'attribute_value' => true,
              'error_message' => 'required: dies ist ein Pflichtfeld!',
          'wrapper_class' => 'wnts_formfield_wrapper',
      3 => 
      array (
        'field_name' => 'datenschutz',
        'field_type' => 'acceptance',
        'field_settings' => 
        array (
  'submit' => 
  array (
    'button_text' => 'Konto aktivieren',
    'success' => 
    array (
      'text' => 'Das Konto wurde aktiviert',
      'forward_to_url' => '/backend/membership/anmelden/',
    'error' => 
    array (
      'text' => 'Fehlerhafte Formulardaten!',
      'forward_to_url' => false,
    'system-error' => 
    array (
      'text' => 'Server-Fehler - bitte rufen Sie uns an!',
      'forward_to_url' => '/kontakt',
    'my_css' => 
    array (
      'wrapper_class' => 'wnts_wrapper_submit',
      'button_class' => 'wnts_button_submit',
      'button_icon_class' => 'wnts_button_icon_submit',
      'button_text_class' => 'wnts_button_text_submit',
  'email' => 
  array (
    'send_email' => false,
    'subject' => 'Gemeinde Krailling - neues Passwort festlegen und Konto aktivieren',
    'to-list' => 
    array (
    'cc-list' => 
    array (
      0 => 'butzert@krailling.de',
    'bcc-list' => 
    array (
    'email-text' => 'Sehr geehrter Frau/Herr [[vorname]] [[name]],
Ihr Aktivierungscode war abgelaufen! Wir senden Ihnen einen neuen Aktivierungscode,
mit dem Sie Ihr Passwort festlegen können und Ihr Konto wieder aktivieren können. 
Bitte aktivieren Sie Ihr Konto auf der Seite [[link_activation]]
Geben Sie Ihre Email oder Ihren Benutzernamen und den Aktivierungscode ein: 
	Aktivierungscode: [[activation-code]]
Legen Sie Ihr Passwort fest.

Wenn Ihr Aktivierungscode ungültig ist, dann können Sie auf der Seite 
einen neuen Aktivierungscode anfordern.

Ihre Gemeinde Krailling


(B) SQL operation

    'SELECT * FROM `1CnW8e_options` WHERE `option_name`=\\\'wnts_ajax_membership_activate_registered_account\\\';'


    array (
  'term_id' => '3',
  'term_taxonomy_id' => '3',

not unique:


category in Loop

                            3                            \WP_Term::__set_state(array(
   'term_id' => 11046,
   'name' => 'adressen',
   'slug' => 'adressen',
   'term_group' => 0,
   'term_taxonomy_id' => 11046,
   'taxonomy' => 'category',
   'description' => '',
   'parent' => 3,
   'count' => 72,
   'filter' => 'raw',
   'cat_ID' => 11046,
   'category_count' => 72,
   'category_description' => '',
   'cat_name' => 'adressen',
   'category_nicename' => 'adressen',
   'category_parent' => 3,

parent term

                                'wnts_category_dd_app'                                \WP_Term::__set_state(array(
   'term_id' => 3,
   'name' => 'wnts_category_dd_app',
   'slug' => 'dd_app',
   'term_group' => 0,
   'term_taxonomy_id' => 3,
   'taxonomy' => 'category',
   'description' => '',
   'parent' => 0,
   'count' => 17,
   'filter' => 'raw',

category in Loop

                            3                            \WP_Term::__set_state(array(
   'term_id' => 11039,
   'name' => 'aktuelles',
   'slug' => 'aktuelles',
   'term_group' => 0,
   'term_taxonomy_id' => 11039,
   'taxonomy' => 'category',
   'description' => '',
   'parent' => 3,
   'count' => 13,
   'filter' => 'raw',
   'cat_ID' => 11039,
   'category_count' => 13,
   'category_description' => '',
   'cat_name' => 'aktuelles',
   'category_nicename' => 'aktuelles',
   'category_parent' => 3,

parent term

                                'wnts_category_dd_app'                                \WP_Term::__set_state(array(
   'term_id' => 3,
   'name' => 'wnts_category_dd_app',
   'slug' => 'dd_app',
   'term_group' => 0,
   'term_taxonomy_id' => 3,
   'taxonomy' => 'category',
   'description' => '',
   'parent' => 0,
   'count' => 17,
   'filter' => 'raw',

category in Loop

                            0                            \WP_Term::__set_state(array(
   'term_id' => 156,
   'name' => 'ansprechpartner',
   'slug' => 'ansprechpartner',
   'term_group' => 0,
   'term_taxonomy_id' => 156,
   'taxonomy' => 'category',
   'description' => '',
   'parent' => 0,
   'count' => 45,
   'filter' => 'raw',
   'cat_ID' => 156,
   'category_count' => 45,
   'category_description' => '',
   'cat_name' => 'ansprechpartner',
   'category_nicename' => 'ansprechpartner',
   'category_parent' => 0,

category in Loop

                            3                            \WP_Term::__set_state(array(
   'term_id' => 11388,
   'name' => 'bebauungsplaene',
   'slug' => 'projekte',
   'term_group' => 0,
   'term_taxonomy_id' => 11388,
   'taxonomy' => 'category',
   'description' => '',
   'parent' => 3,
   'count' => 13,
   'filter' => 'raw',
   'cat_ID' => 11388,
   'category_count' => 13,
   'category_description' => '',
   'cat_name' => 'bebauungsplaene',
   'category_nicename' => 'projekte',
   'category_parent' => 3,

parent term

                                'wnts_category_dd_app'                                \WP_Term::__set_state(array(
   'term_id' => 3,
   'name' => 'wnts_category_dd_app',
   'slug' => 'dd_app',
   'term_group' => 0,
   'term_taxonomy_id' => 3,
   'taxonomy' => 'category',
   'description' => '',
   'parent' => 0,
   'count' => 17,
   'filter' => 'raw',

category in Loop

                            0                            \WP_Term::__set_state(array(
   'term_id' => 155,
   'name' => 'behoerden',
   'slug' => 'behoerden',
   'term_group' => 0,
   'term_taxonomy_id' => 155,
   'taxonomy' => 'category',
   'description' => '',
   'parent' => 0,
   'count' => 41,
   'filter' => 'raw',
   'cat_ID' => 155,
   'category_count' => 41,
   'category_description' => '',
   'cat_name' => 'behoerden',
   'category_nicename' => 'behoerden',
   'category_parent' => 0,

category in Loop

                            3                            \WP_Term::__set_state(array(
   'term_id' => 35,
   'name' => 'biete-ehrenamt',
   'slug' => 'biete-ehrenamt',
   'term_group' => 0,
   'term_taxonomy_id' => 35,
   'taxonomy' => 'category',
   'description' => '',
   'parent' => 3,
   'count' => 3,
   'filter' => 'raw',
   'cat_ID' => 35,
   'category_count' => 3,
   'category_description' => '',
   'cat_name' => 'biete-ehrenamt',
   'category_nicename' => 'biete-ehrenamt',
   'category_parent' => 3,

parent term

                                'wnts_category_dd_app'                                \WP_Term::__set_state(array(
   'term_id' => 3,
   'name' => 'wnts_category_dd_app',
   'slug' => 'dd_app',
   'term_group' => 0,
   'term_taxonomy_id' => 3,
   'taxonomy' => 'category',
   'description' => '',
   'parent' => 0,
   'count' => 17,
   'filter' => 'raw',

category in Loop

                            3                            \WP_Term::__set_state(array(
   'term_id' => 11041,
   'name' => 'buergermedaille',
   'slug' => 'buergermedaille',
   'term_group' => 0,
   'term_taxonomy_id' => 11041,
   'taxonomy' => 'category',
   'description' => '',
   'parent' => 3,
   'count' => 46,
   'filter' => 'raw',
   'cat_ID' => 11041,
   'category_count' => 46,
   'category_description' => '',
   'cat_name' => 'buergermedaille',
   'category_nicename' => 'buergermedaille',
   'category_parent' => 3,

parent term

                                'wnts_category_dd_app'                                \WP_Term::__set_state(array(
   'term_id' => 3,
   'name' => 'wnts_category_dd_app',
   'slug' => 'dd_app',
   'term_group' => 0,
   'term_taxonomy_id' => 3,
   'taxonomy' => 'category',
   'description' => '',
   'parent' => 0,
   'count' => 17,
   'filter' => 'raw',

category in Loop

                            0                            \WP_Term::__set_state(array(
   'term_id' => 154,
   'name' => 'dienststellen',
   'slug' => 'dienststellen',
   'term_group' => 0,
   'term_taxonomy_id' => 154,
   'taxonomy' => 'category',
   'description' => '',
   'parent' => 0,
   'count' => 1,
   'filter' => 'raw',
   'cat_ID' => 154,
   'category_count' => 1,
   'category_description' => '',
   'cat_name' => 'dienststellen',
   'category_nicename' => 'dienststellen',
   'category_parent' => 0,

category in Loop

                            3                            \WP_Term::__set_state(array(
   'term_id' => 11033,
   'name' => 'ehrenbuergerwuerde',
   'slug' => 'ehrenbuergerwuerde',
   'term_group' => 0,
   'term_taxonomy_id' => 11033,
   'taxonomy' => 'category',
   'description' => '',
   'parent' => 3,
   'count' => 8,
   'filter' => 'raw',
   'cat_ID' => 11033,
   'category_count' => 8,
   'category_description' => '',
   'cat_name' => 'ehrenbuergerwuerde',
   'category_nicename' => 'ehrenbuergerwuerde',
   'category_parent' => 3,

parent term

                                'wnts_category_dd_app'                                \WP_Term::__set_state(array(
   'term_id' => 3,
   'name' => 'wnts_category_dd_app',
   'slug' => 'dd_app',
   'term_group' => 0,
   'term_taxonomy_id' => 3,
   'taxonomy' => 'category',
   'description' => '',
   'parent' => 0,
   'count' => 17,
   'filter' => 'raw',

category in Loop

                            3                            \WP_Term::__set_state(array(
   'term_id' => 12258,
   'name' => 'fahrplaene-fuer-krailling',
   'slug' => 'fahrplaene-fuer-krailling',
   'term_group' => 0,
   'term_taxonomy_id' => 12258,
   'taxonomy' => 'category',
   'description' => '',
   'parent' => 3,
   'count' => 6,
   'filter' => 'raw',
   'cat_ID' => 12258,
   'category_count' => 6,
   'category_description' => '',
   'cat_name' => 'fahrplaene-fuer-krailling',
   'category_nicename' => 'fahrplaene-fuer-krailling',
   'category_parent' => 3,

parent term

                                'wnts_category_dd_app'                                \WP_Term::__set_state(array(
   'term_id' => 3,
   'name' => 'wnts_category_dd_app',
   'slug' => 'dd_app',
   'term_group' => 0,
   'term_taxonomy_id' => 3,
   'taxonomy' => 'category',
   'description' => '',
   'parent' => 0,
   'count' => 17,
   'filter' => 'raw',

category in Loop

                            3                            \WP_Term::__set_state(array(
   'term_id' => 14,
   'name' => 'fundbuero',
   'slug' => 'fundbuero',
   'term_group' => 0,
   'term_taxonomy_id' => 14,
   'taxonomy' => 'category',
   'description' => '',
   'parent' => 3,
   'count' => 10,
   'filter' => 'raw',
   'cat_ID' => 14,
   'category_count' => 10,
   'category_description' => '',
   'cat_name' => 'fundbuero',
   'category_nicename' => 'fundbuero',
   'category_parent' => 3,

parent term

                                'wnts_category_dd_app'                                \WP_Term::__set_state(array(
   'term_id' => 3,
   'name' => 'wnts_category_dd_app',
   'slug' => 'dd_app',
   'term_group' => 0,
   'term_taxonomy_id' => 3,
   'taxonomy' => 'category',
   'description' => '',
   'parent' => 0,
   'count' => 17,
   'filter' => 'raw',

category in Loop

                            0                            \WP_Term::__set_state(array(
   'term_id' => 10569,
   'name' => 'gebaeude',
   'slug' => 'gebaeude',
   'term_group' => 0,
   'term_taxonomy_id' => 10569,
   'taxonomy' => 'category',
   'description' => '',
   'parent' => 0,
   'count' => 9,
   'filter' => 'raw',
   'cat_ID' => 10569,
   'category_count' => 9,
   'category_description' => '',
   'cat_name' => 'gebaeude',
   'category_nicename' => 'gebaeude',
   'category_parent' => 0,

category in Loop

                            3                            \WP_Term::__set_state(array(
   'term_id' => 11045,
   'name' => 'gemeinderat',
   'slug' => 'gemeinderat',
   'term_group' => 0,
   'term_taxonomy_id' => 11045,
   'taxonomy' => 'category',
   'description' => '',
   'parent' => 3,
   'count' => 20,
   'filter' => 'raw',
   'cat_ID' => 11045,
   'category_count' => 20,
   'category_description' => '',
   'cat_name' => 'gemeinderat',
   'category_nicename' => 'gemeinderat',
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parent term

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category in Loop

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parent term

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category in Loop

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category in Loop

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category in Loop

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parent term

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category in Loop

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parent term

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category in Loop

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parent term

                                'wnts_category_dd_app'                                \WP_Term::__set_state(array(
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category in Loop

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parent term

                                'wnts_category_dd_app'                                \WP_Term::__set_state(array(
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category in Loop

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parent term

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category in Loop

                            3                            \WP_Term::__set_state(array(
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parent term

                                'wnts_category_dd_app'                                \WP_Term::__set_state(array(
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category in Loop

                            3                            \WP_Term::__set_state(array(
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   'description' => '',
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   'cat_ID' => 34,
   'category_count' => 10,
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parent term

                                'wnts_category_dd_app'                                \WP_Term::__set_state(array(
   'term_id' => 3,
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category in Loop

                            0                            \WP_Term::__set_state(array(
   'term_id' => 3,
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   'description' => '',
   'parent' => 0,
   'count' => 17,
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   'cat_ID' => 3,
   'category_count' => 17,
   'category_description' => '',
   'cat_name' => 'wnts_category_dd_app',
   'category_nicename' => 'dd_app',
   'category_parent' => 0,
    array (
  'noch kein Verein ausgewählt' => 0,

Test PHP

Test is_set(empty array with index):

You can use isset( $array[ 'not_existing_index' ] )

is not set array[a][b]...

Test access array with undefined index

$emptyArray[ 'not_existing_index' ];

Kein Fatal Error 😉

$an_array[ 'not_existing_index' ]:

